The Essentials of Properly Applying An EPDM Rubber Roof Coating

A lot of work goes into maintaining a building. Most new commercial building owners are unaware about just how many different systems they will have to keep up with when attempting to keep their investment in good shape. Taking the time to get to know the vital systems in a commercial building can help to save an owner a lot of time and trouble. The roofing system on a commercial building can come in many forms. If the roof is flat, then chances are that the roofing will be made of EPDM rubber. The best way to offer this rubberized material the protection that it needs is by applying a specialized EPDM rubber roof coating. There are a number of different types of coatings out there and finding the right one can be made a lot easier by speaking with a professional in the EPDM industry. Applying the roof coating is not easy and will require a number of considerations to be made.

Cleaning the Roof is Essential

The first thing that has to happen when trying to get the EPDM rubber roof coating applied the right way is the cleaning of the roof surface. Over time, the rubber membrane on a flat roof will acquire a lot of dirt and grime. The roofing professionals that are hired to perform this type of work will use a specialized cleaning solution to mop up the dirt and grime off of the surface. By working on one section of the roof at a time, the professionals will be able to get the surface clean and puddle free in no time at all.

Repairing All Damage Present on the Roof

Before the EPDM rubber roof coating can be applied to a roof, the professionals will have to do a thorough inspection to determine if there is any damage. If there is damage found, the professionals will have to get it fixed. Neglecting to fix holes or tears in the rubber membrane will usually lead to issues down the line when the coating begins to wear off. The time and money that the business owner invests into getting these repairs is worth it. The professionals will also be able to address any ponding issues that may be present on the issues by applying a liberal amount of sealant to fill in the dip that this type of condition causes.

Rolling the Sealant On

Once all of the prep work has been done, the professionals will be able to start rolling on the EPDM rubber roof coating. In order for this sealant to do its job, the professionals will have to work a section at a time getting a thick coating applied. The last thing that a commercial building owner needs to do is to try and apply this coating on their own. Attempting to do a DIY EPDM rubber roof coating job will usually end in mistakes that can cause long-term problems for a commercial building owner.

Getting the right professionals hired for this type of work is an essential part of getting the job done right. Be sure to call around to a few different roofing professionals in an area to get an idea of what each of them can offer.